Department of Children & Adolescent

Under the NCCB’s Child Welfare Policy, organize child Development program.

Organize school teachers/Sunday school teachers training workshops.

Conduct social, cultural, ethical and patriotic programs for children.

Organized workshops organized for children and parents.

Department of Church & Society

Ensuring human rights and peace of all in the Church and society.

Action of the church and society to resolve conflict and conflict.

Motivation to achieve spiritual purity in individuals and social life.

Establish harmony other religious beliefs and society.

Department of Evangelism, Ethnic Unity & Culture

Deployment of indigenous rights and improvement in the quality of life.

To organize awareness and rights for the indigenous communities, Organize awareness programs in different ethnic groups.

Motivation to create religious and cultural values in society.

Organize special training workshops in empowering indigenous women.

Department of Ecumenism and Dialogue

Contemporary Issue Based Intervention.

Arrangement of intimacy and inter-religious dialogue in peaceful coexistence other religions.

Interpretation of dialogues in All Churches.

Organize communal harmony and social relations, organized workshops various religious organizations.

Department of Medical Services

Organizing awareness programs on physical and mental health issues.

Providing conscious training on various serious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, STD etc.

Manage medical camps, free clinics, community health care activities.

Training on mother and child’s health care activities.

Training on mother and child’s health care and family planning.

Department of Women

In the family, society and churches, take appropriate measures to assess and assemble women.

Conduct awareness building programs against gender discrimination and all the mean of abuse.

In the light of biblical education in the native context,  inspire the church women to make decisions and lead.

Provide training and education to women for the sake of the empowerment and socio-economic development.

In the light of observing the different days and its importance, networking at the national and international levels and organizing activities.

Department of Youth

Encourage youth community to take the challenge of contemporary issues.

Take several steps to provide Christian Ideology.

Working closely the Church and various organizations to resolve various physical and mental problems of youth including training at self-employment.

Establishment of Youth Networking through various workshops and training programs  at National and International level.